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"PLC Shift’s Plunger and Gas Lift apps increase production while significantly reducing lifting costs.  This adds a ton of value to the control system and saves my customers millions of dollars"

Gary Rutberg - Xcel Automation




Increase production with Gas Lift and Optimize lift gas usage with advanced features such as Continuous Variable Injection and GAPL.

GAS LIFT is a complete gas lift control and optimization application for PLC SHIFT that increases production from oil and liquid rich natural gas wells using gas lift methodoligies. Gas lift is an artificial lift technology that injects gas down the casing or annulus and through mandrels into the tubing string in order to reduce the weight of the fluid column and hydrostatic back pressure on the well.  As back pressure is reduced, production increases. 

Not only is precise control of the injection valves important to safely produce the well,  Injection gas can be expensive and optimizing its use is essential to maximize profitability.

The app calculates and provides a real-time injection valve position to the PLC based on a variety of inputs and control modes. 

Gas Lift Control Modes

Continuous Fixed Injection

Inject gas at a fixed rate. 

Continuous Variable Injection

Inject gas at the minimum rate required to maintain Critical flow of the well.

Gas Assisted Plunger Lift (GAPL)

Coordinate with the PLUNGER LIFT app and inject gas during the Pre-Arrival, Post-Arrival and Shut-in states to optimize production and lift gas usage.

Gas Assisted Plunger Lift (GAPL) Features

Pre-arrival Injection Optimization

Automatically adjusts the injection rate to ensure normal plunger arrival times.

Post-arrival Injection Optimization

Automatically adjusts the injection rate to maintain critical flow.

Shut-In Injection Optimization

Injects gas while shut-in to artificially create well energy for successful plunger arrivals.

Other Key Features

GAS FLOW App Integration

Measure injection and production flow rates.

Tunable PIDs

Precise injection valve control

PLC SHIFT Features


Configuration, management and operations tool

Azure Event Hub Export

Stream tag data to Azure Event Hub and enable real-time analytics

MQTT SparkplugB Export

Export tag and historical data via MQTT SparkplugB to SCADA, Historians and more.

Secure Connections

Modern security and encrytion methods such as SSH and TLS for user access and data connectivity

App Tiers

Gas Lift is available in free and paid tiers.

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