Collect Data from a PLC or sensors and automatically export to the cloud on change, interval or on demand.
DATA LOGGER is a universal PLC SHIFT application that collects valuable data from the PLC and automatically exports this data to Azure or PLC SHIFT CLOUD on change or on interval. Our other applications produce their own valuable data, but there is usually additional data from the PLC that needs to be collected.
Traditionally this data was stranded or collected by SCADA systems, which prioritize data collection for operations. SCADA data is often collected at the wrong time or granularity to be useful for analytics.
Key Features
Logging Groups
16 data log groups each with;
24 Floating point tags
8 Digital tags
Configurable Log Interval
Configurable Trigger Tag with deadband
Export Options - Report by Exception
Azure Table Storage for tabular data
MQTT SparkplugB for tag and tabular data*
On Change with 2 App level deadbands
On Interval with 4 App level Intervals
Excel or csv file with PLC SHIFT MANAGER
App Level Tag Prefix for namespacing
Log Description - 128 Characters
Tag Description Field - 128 Characters
Tag Metadata Field - Custom Key/Value pairs, 128 Characters
*Export tabular data to Ignition with Cirrus Link Recorder Module
SCADA system - MQTT Software for IIoT - Cirrus Link Solutions (cirrus-link.com)